When do I start?
We are currently open for enrollment this year based on first come, first served with our camp ending August 3rd, 2024.
How does the application work?
Apply through our application service online and we will prayfuly consider each and every applicant. If you are a good fit for our camp we will welcome you to the team!
Is housing available?
At each location, we will have housing provided for the missionaries coming. At our Phoenix location this year we have a large building with bunk beds and many rooms and worspace downtown Phoenix!
How does food work?
Not all food will be covered but many meals will be taken care of. Again, we encourage our missionaries to walk by faith and not by sight. Don't be afraid to step out because of finances, just communicate it with your leaders.
Is there a fee?
There is no admission fee to join the team but you must be willing to grow and learn. We believe in eliminating the barrier of finances that stops many from pursuing more of God! There is no fee to travel, but you must pay your own traveling fees to arrive at the base. We believe in living by faith as missionaries so we encourage everyone to raise finances but not to rely on fundraising as our provider, onlyGod Himself. It's okay not to have everything figured out financially, just communicate it with us and we will be of assistance in any way that we can!